A crown, sometimes referred to as a tooth cap, is a type of prosthesis that is used to cover an entire tooth. Commonly, a crown is indicated when a tooth has suffered extensive damage and subsequent tooth loss that a conventional filling alone cannot replace. A crown may also be placed on a dental implant or placed for cosmetic reasons. For posterior teeth that have undergone root canal treatment – a crown is commonly recommended.

Crowns are fabricated in a dental laboratory, which ensures that crowns are very aesthetic, well-shaped, stronger and generally more durable compared to a normal filling. They are made with materials such as metal and porcelain. To receive a crown, two visits are typically required. The dentist prepares the tooth by reducing the edges and biting surface. An impression (mould) of the tooth is taken and sent to the laboratory for the crown to be fabricated. A temporary crown is placed on the prepared tooth to ensure aesthetics and function are not compromised between appointments; while your crown is being made. At the second visit, the permanent crown is cemented onto the tooth. Good oral hygiene practices are required to ensure you can maintain the crown long-term.